Constructs a path from its string representation.
Constructs a path from a single path segment.
Constructs a path from an input range of Segments.
Determines if the parentPath property is valid.
Removes any redundant path segments and replaces all separators by the default one.
Concatenates two paths.
Converts the path to a different path format.
Compares two path objects.
Appends a relative path to this path.
Returns a prefix of this path, where the last segment has been dropped.
Tests whether the given path is a prefix of this path.
Computes a hash sum, enabling storage within associative arrays.
Returns the string representation of the path.
Tests if the path is absolute.
Iterates over the path by segment, each time returning the sub path leading to that segment.
Iterates over the path by Segment.
Iterates over the individual segments of the path.
Tests if the path is represented by an empty string.
Determines whether the path ends with a path separator (i.e. represents a folder specifically).
Returns the trailing segment of the path.
Returns the trailing segment of the path.
Constructs a path from its string representation.
Constructs a path from its string representation, skipping the validation.
Tests if a certain character is a path segment separator.
Represents a path as an forward range of Segments.
A single path segment.
A single path segment.
The default path segment separator character.
Provides a common interface to operate on paths of various kinds.