1 /**
2 	Functions and structures for dealing with threads and concurrent access.
4 	This module is modeled after std.concurrency, but provides a fiber-aware alternative
5 	to it. All blocking operations will yield the calling fiber instead of blocking it.
7 	Copyright: © 2013-2014 Sönke Ludwig
8 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
9 	Authors: Sönke Ludwig
10 */
11 module vibe.core.concurrency;
13 public import std.concurrency;
15 import core.time;
16 import std.traits;
17 import std.typecons;
18 import std.typetuple;
19 import std.string;
20 import vibe.core.task;
23 private extern (C) pure nothrow void _d_monitorenter(Object h);
24 private extern (C) pure nothrow void _d_monitorexit(Object h);
26 /**
27 	Locks the given shared object and returns a ScopedLock for accessing any unshared members.
29 	Using this function will ensure that there are no data races. For this reason, the class
30 	type T is required to contain no unshared or unisolated aliasing.
32 	See_Also: core.concurrency.isWeaklyIsolated
33 */
34 ScopedLock!T lock(T : const(Object))(shared(T) object)
35 pure nothrow @safe {
36 	return ScopedLock!T(object);
37 }
38 /// ditto
39 void lock(T : const(Object))(shared(T) object, scope void delegate(scope T) nothrow accessor)
40 nothrow {
41 	auto l = lock(object);
42 	accessor(l.unsafeGet());
43 }
44 /// ditto
45 void lock(T : const(Object))(shared(T) object, scope void delegate(scope T) accessor)
46 {
47 	auto l = lock(object);
48 	accessor(l.unsafeGet());
49 }
51 ///
52 unittest {
53 	import vibe.core.concurrency;
55 	static class Item {
56 		private double m_value;
58 		this(double value) pure { m_value = value; }
60 		@property double value() const pure { return m_value; }
61 	}
63 	static class Manager {
64 		private {
65 			string m_name;
66 			Isolated!(Item) m_ownedItem;
67 			Isolated!(shared(Item)[]) m_items;
68 		}
70 		pure this(string name)
71 		{
72 			m_name = name;
73 			auto itm = makeIsolated!Item(3.5);
74 			m_ownedItem = itm.move;
75 		}
77 		void addItem(shared(Item) item) pure { m_items ~= item; }
79 		double getTotalValue()
80 		const pure {
81 			double sum = 0;
83 			// lock() is required to access shared objects
84 			foreach (itm; m_items) {
85 				auto l = itm.lock();
86 				sum += l.value;
87 			}
89 			// owned objects can be accessed without locking
90 			sum += m_ownedItem.value;
92 			return sum;
93 		}
94 	}
96 	void test()
97 	{
98 		import std.stdio;
100 		auto man = cast(shared)new Manager("My manager");
101 		{
102 			auto l = man.lock();
103 			l.addItem(new shared(Item)(1.5));
104 			l.addItem(new shared(Item)(0.5));
105 		}
107 		writefln("Total value: %s", man.lock().getTotalValue());
108 	}
109 }
112 /**
113 	Proxy structure that keeps the monitor of the given object locked until it
114 	goes out of scope.
116 	Any unshared members of the object are safely accessible during this time. The usual
117 	way to use it is by calling lock.
119 	See_Also: lock
120 */
121 struct ScopedLock(T)
122 {
123 	static assert(is(T == class), "ScopedLock is only usable with classes.");
124 //	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!(FieldTypeTuple!T), T.stringof~" contains non-immutable, non-shared references. Accessing it in a multi-threaded environment is not safe.");
126 	private Rebindable!T m_ref;
128 	@disable this(this);
130 	this(shared(T) obj)
131 		pure nothrow @trusted
132 	{
133 		assert(obj !is null, "Attempting to lock null object.");
134 		m_ref = cast(T)obj;
135 		_d_monitorenter(getObject());
136 		assert(getObject().__monitor !is null);
137 	}
139 	~this()
140 		pure nothrow @trusted
141 	{
142 		assert(m_ref !is null);
143 		assert(getObject().__monitor !is null);
144 		_d_monitorexit(getObject());
145 	}
147 	/**
148 		Returns an unshared reference to the locked object.
150 		Note that using this function breaks type safety. Be sure to not escape the reference beyond
151 		the life time of the lock.
152 	*/
153 	@property inout(T) unsafeGet() inout nothrow { return m_ref; }
155 	alias unsafeGet this;
156 	//pragma(msg, "In ScopedLock!("~T.stringof~")");
157 	//pragma(msg, isolatedRefMethods!T());
158 //	mixin(isolatedAggregateMethodsString!T());
160 	private Object getObject()
161 		pure nothrow {
162 			static if( is(Rebindable!T == struct) ) return cast(Unqual!T)m_ref.get();
163 			else return cast(Unqual!T)m_ref;
164 		}
165 }
168 /**
169 	Creates a new isolated object.
171 	Isolated objects contain no mutable aliasing outside of their own reference tree. They can thus
172 	be safely converted to immutable and they can be safely passed between threads.
174 	The function returns an instance of Isolated that will allow proxied access to the members of
175 	the object, as well as providing means to convert the object to immutable or to an ordinary
176 	mutable object.
177 */
178 pure Isolated!T makeIsolated(T, ARGS...)(ARGS args)
179 {
180 	static if (is(T == class)) return Isolated!T(new T(args));
181 	else static if (is(T == struct)) return T(args);
182 	else static if (isPointer!T && is(PointerTarget!T == struct)) {
183 		alias TB = PointerTarget!T;
184 		return Isolated!T(new TB(args));
185 	} else static assert(false, "makeIsolated works only for class and (pointer to) struct types.");
186 }
188 ///
189 unittest {
190 	import vibe.core.concurrency;
191 	import vibe.core.core;
193 	static class Item {
194 		double value;
195 		string name;
196 	}
198 	static void modifyItem(Isolated!Item itm)
199 	{
200 		itm.value = 1.3;
201 		// TODO: send back to initiating thread
202 	}
204 	void test()
205 	{
206 		immutable(Item)[] items;
208 		// create immutable item procedurally
209 		auto itm = makeIsolated!Item();
210 		itm.value = 2.4;
211 		itm.name = "Test";
212 		items ~= itm.freeze();
214 		// send isolated item to other thread
215 		auto itm2 = makeIsolated!Item();
216 		runWorkerTask(&modifyItem, itm2.move());
217 		// ...
218 	}
219 }
221 unittest {
222 	static class C { this(int x) pure {} }
223 	static struct S { this(int x) pure {} }
225 	alias CI = typeof(makeIsolated!C(0));
226 	alias SI = typeof(makeIsolated!S(0));
227 	alias SPI = typeof(makeIsolated!(S*)(0));
228 	static assert(isStronglyIsolated!CI);
229 	static assert(is(CI == IsolatedRef!C));
230 	static assert(isStronglyIsolated!SI);
231 	static assert(is(SI == S));
232 	static assert(isStronglyIsolated!SPI);
233 	static assert(is(SPI == IsolatedRef!S));
234 }
237 /**
238 	Creates a new isolated array.
239 */
240 pure Isolated!(T[]) makeIsolatedArray(T)(size_t size)
241 {
242 	Isolated!(T[]) ret;
243 	ret.length = size;
244 	return ret.move();
245 }
247 ///
248 unittest {
249 	import vibe.core.concurrency;
250 	import vibe.core.core;
252 	static void compute(Tid tid, Isolated!(double[]) array, size_t start_index)
253 	nothrow {
254 		foreach( i; 0 .. array.length )
255 			array[i] = (start_index + i) * 0.5;
257 		//send(tid, array.move()); // Isolated!T isn't recognized by std.concurrency
258 	}
260 	void test()
261 	{
262 		import std.stdio;
264 		// compute contents of an array using multiple threads
265 		auto arr = makeIsolatedArray!double(256);
267 		// partition the array (no copying takes place)
268 		size_t[] indices = [64, 128, 192, 256];
269 		Isolated!(double[])[] subarrays = arr.splice(indices);
271 		// start processing in threads
272 		Tid[] tids;
273 		foreach (i, idx; indices)
274 			tids ~= runWorkerTaskH(&compute, thisTid, subarrays[i].move(), idx).tid;
276 		// collect results
277 		auto resultarrays = new Isolated!(double[])[tids.length];
278 		//foreach( i, tid; tids )
279 		//	resultarrays[i] = receiveOnly!(Isolated!(double[])).move(); // Isolated!T isn't recognized by std.concurrency
281 		// BUG: the arrays must be sorted here, but since there is no way to tell
282 		// from where something was received, this is difficult here.
284 		// merge results (no copying takes place again)
285 		foreach( i; 1 .. resultarrays.length )
286 			resultarrays[0].merge(resultarrays[i]);
288 		// convert the final result to immutable
289 		auto result = resultarrays[0].freeze();
291 		writefln("Result: %s", result);
292 	}
293 }
296 /**
297 	Unsafe facility to assume that an existing reference is unique.
298 */
299 Isolated!T assumeIsolated(T)(T object)
300 {
301 	return Isolated!T(object);
302 }
304 /**
305 	Encapsulates the given type in a way that guarantees memory isolation.
307 	See_Also: makeIsolated, makeIsolatedArray
308 */
309 template Isolated(T)
310 {
311 	static if( isWeaklyIsolated!T ){
312 		alias Isolated = T;
313 	} else static if( is(T == class) ){
314 		alias Isolated = IsolatedRef!T;
315 	} else static if( isPointer!T ){
316 		alias Isolated = IsolatedRef!(PointerTarget!T);
317 	} else static if( isDynamicArray!T ){
318 		alias Isolated = IsolatedArray!(typeof(T.init[0]));
319 	} else static if( isAssociativeArray!T ){
320 		alias Isolated = IsolatedAssociativeArray!(KeyType!T, ValueType!T);
321 	} else static assert(false, T.stringof~": Unsupported type for Isolated!T - must be class, pointer, array or associative array.");
322 }
325 // unit tests fails with DMD 2.064 due to some cyclic import regression
326 unittest
327 {
328 	static class CE {}
329 	static struct SE {}
331 	static assert(is(Isolated!CE == IsolatedRef!CE));
332 	static assert(is(Isolated!(SE*) == IsolatedRef!SE));
333 	static assert(is(Isolated!(SE[]) == IsolatedArray!SE));
334 	version(EnablePhobosFails){
335 		// AAs don't work because they are impure
336 		static assert(is(Isolated!(SE[string]) == IsolatedAssociativeArray!(string, SE)));
337 	}
338 }
341 /// private
342 private struct IsolatedRef(T)
343 {
344 	pure:
345 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!(FieldTypeTuple!T), T.stringof ~ " contains non-immutable/non-shared references. Isolation cannot be guaranteed.");
346 	enum __isWeakIsolatedType = true;
347 	static if( isStronglyIsolated!(FieldTypeTuple!T) )
348 		enum __isIsolatedType = true;
350 	alias BaseType = T;
352 	static if( is(T == class) ){
353 		alias Tref = T;
354 		alias Tiref = immutable(T);
355 	} else {
356 		alias Tref = T*;
357 		alias Tiref = immutable(T)*;
358 	}
360 	private Tref m_ref;
362 	//mixin isolatedAggregateMethods!T;
363 	//pragma(msg, isolatedAggregateMethodsString!T());
364 	mixin(isolatedAggregateMethodsString!T());
366 	@disable this(this);
368 	private this(Tref obj)
369 	{
370 		m_ref = obj;
371 	}
373 	this(ref IsolatedRef src)
374 	{
375 		m_ref = src.m_ref;
376 		src.m_ref = null;
377 	}
379 	void opAssign(ref IsolatedRef src)
380 	{
381 		m_ref = src.m_ref;
382 		src.m_ref = null;
383 	}
385 	/**
386 		Returns the raw reference.
388 		Note that using this function breaks type safety. Be sure to not escape the reference.
389 	*/
390 	inout(Tref) unsafeGet() inout { return m_ref; }
392 	/**
393 		Move the contained reference to a new IsolatedRef.
395 		Since IsolatedRef is not copyable, using this function may be necessary when
396 		passing a reference to a function or when returning it. The reference in
397 		this instance will be set to null after the call returns.
398 	*/
399 	IsolatedRef move() { auto r = m_ref; m_ref = null; return IsolatedRef(r); }
400 	/// ditto
401 	void move(ref IsolatedRef target) { target.m_ref = m_ref; m_ref = null; }
403 	/**
404 		Convert the isolated reference to a normal mutable reference.
406 		The reference in this instance will be set to null after the call returns.
407 	*/
408 	Tref extract()
409 	{
410 		auto ret = m_ref;
411 		m_ref = null;
412 		return ret;
413 	}
415 	/**
416 		Converts the isolated reference to immutable.
418 		The reference in this instance will be set to null after the call has returned.
419 		Note that this method is only available for strongly isolated references,
420 		which means references that do not contain shared aliasing.
421 	*/
422 	Tiref freeze()()
423 	{
424 		static assert(isStronglyIsolated!(FieldTypeTuple!T), "freeze() can only be called on strongly isolated values, but "~T.stringof~" contains shared references.");
425 		auto ret = m_ref;
426 		m_ref = null;
427 		return cast(immutable)ret;
428 	}
430 	/**
431 		Performs an up- or down-cast of the reference and moves it to a new IsolatedRef instance.
433 		The reference in this instance will be set to null after the call has returned.
434 	*/
435 	U opCast(U)()
436 		if (isInstanceOf!(IsolatedRef, U) && (is(U.BaseType : BaseType) || is(BaseType : U.BaseType)))
437 	{
438 		auto r = U(cast(U.BaseType)m_ref);
439 		m_ref = null;
440 		return r;
441 	}
443 	/**
444 		Determines if the contained reference is non-null.
446 		This method allows Isolated references to be used in boolean expressions without having to
447 		extract the reference.
448 	*/
449 	U opCast(U)() const if(is(U == bool)) { return m_ref !is null; }
450 }
453 /// private
454 private struct IsolatedArray(T)
455 {
456 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!T, T.stringof ~ " contains non-immutable references. Isolation cannot be guaranteed.");
457 	enum __isWeakIsolatedType = true;
458 	static if( isStronglyIsolated!T )
459 		enum __isIsolatedType = true;
461 	alias BaseType = T[];
463 	private T[] m_array;
465 	mixin isolatedArrayMethods!T;
467 	@disable this(this);
469 	/**
470 		Returns the raw reference.
472 		Note that using this function breaks type safety. Be sure to not escape the reference.
473 	*/
474 	inout(T[]) unsafeGet() inout { return m_array; }
476 	IsolatedArray!T move() pure { auto r = m_array; m_array = null; return IsolatedArray(r); }
477 	void move(ref IsolatedArray target) pure { target.m_array = m_array; m_array = null; }
479 	T[] extract()
480 	pure {
481 		auto arr = m_array;
482 		m_array = null;
483 		return arr;
484 	}
486 	immutable(T)[] freeze()() pure
487 	{
488 		static assert(isStronglyIsolated!T, "Freeze can only be called on strongly isolated values, but "~T.stringof~" contains shared references.");
489 		auto arr = m_array;
490 		m_array = null;
491 		return cast(immutable)arr;
492 	}
495 	/**
496 		Splits the array into individual slices at the given incides.
498 		The indices must be in ascending order. Any items that are larger than
499 		the last given index will remain in this IsolatedArray.
500 	*/
501 	IsolatedArray!T[] splice(in size_t[] indices...) pure
502 		in {
503 			//import std.algorithm : isSorted;
504 			assert(indices.length > 0, "At least one splice index must be given.");
505 			//assert(isSorted(indices), "Indices must be in ascending order.");
506 			assert(indices[$-1] <= m_array.length, "Splice index out of bounds.");
507 		}
508 		do {
509 			auto ret = new IsolatedArray!T[indices.length];
510 			size_t lidx = 0;
511 			foreach( i, sidx; indices ){
512 				ret[i].m_array = m_array[lidx .. sidx];
513 				lidx = sidx;
514 			}
515 			m_array = m_array[lidx .. $];
516 			return ret;
517 		}
519 	void merge(ref IsolatedArray!T array) pure
520 		in {
521 			assert(array.m_array.ptr == m_array.ptr+m_array.length || array.m_array.ptr+array.length == m_array.ptr,
522 				"Argument to merge() must be a neighbouring array partition.");
523 		}
524 		do {
525 			if( array.m_array.ptr == m_array.ptr + m_array.length ){
526 				m_array = m_array.ptr[0 .. m_array.length + array.length];
527 			} else {
528 				m_array = array.m_array.ptr[0 .. m_array.length + array.length];
529 			}
530 			array.m_array.length = 0;
531 		}
532 }
535 /// private
536 private struct IsolatedAssociativeArray(K, V)
537 {
538 	pure:
539 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!K, "Key type has aliasing. Memory isolation cannot be guaranteed.");
540 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!V, "Value type has aliasing. Memory isolation cannot be guaranteed.");
542 	enum __isWeakIsolatedType = true;
543 	static if( isStronglyIsolated!K && isStronglyIsolated!V )
544 		enum __isIsolatedType = true;
546 	alias BaseType = V[K];
548 	private {
549 		V[K] m_aa;
550 	}
552 	mixin isolatedAssociativeArrayMethods!(K, V);
554 	/**
555 		Returns the raw reference.
557 		Note that using this function breaks type safety. Be sure to not escape the reference.
558 	*/
559 	inout(V[K]) unsafeGet() inout { return m_aa; }
561 	IsolatedAssociativeArray move() { auto r = m_aa; m_aa = null; return IsolatedAssociativeArray(r); }
562 	void move(ref IsolatedAssociativeArray target) { target.m_aa = m_aa; m_aa = null; }
564 	V[K] extract()
565 	{
566 		auto arr = m_aa;
567 		m_aa = null;
568 		return arr;
569 	}
571 	static if( is(typeof(IsolatedAssociativeArray.__isIsolatedType)) ){
572 		immutable(V)[K] freeze()
573 		{
574 			auto arr = m_aa;
575 			m_aa = null;
576 			return cast(immutable(V)[K])(arr);
577 		}
579 		immutable(V[K]) freeze2()
580 		{
581 			auto arr = m_aa;
582 			m_aa = null;
583 			return cast(immutable(V[K]))(arr);
584 		}
585 	}
586 }
589 /** Encapsulates a reference in a way that disallows escaping it or any contained references.
590 */
591 template ScopedRef(T)
592 {
593 	static if( isAggregateType!T ) alias ScopedRef = ScopedRefAggregate!T;
594 	else static if( isAssociativeArray!T ) alias ScopedRef = ScopedRefAssociativeArray!T;
595 	else static if( isArray!T ) alias ScopedRef = ScopedRefArray!T;
596 	else static if( isBasicType!T ) alias ScopedRef = ScopedRefBasic!T;
597 	else static assert(false, "Unsupported type for ScopedRef: "~T.stringof);
598 }
600 /// private
601 private struct ScopedRefBasic(T)
602 {
603 	private T* m_ref;
605 	@disable this(this);
607 	this(ref T tref) pure { m_ref = &tref; }
609 	//void opAssign(T value) { *m_ref = value; }
611 	ref T unsafeGet() pure { return *m_ref; }
613 	alias unsafeGet this;
614 }
616 /// private
617 private struct ScopedRefAggregate(T)
618 {
619 	private T* m_ref;
621 	@disable this(this);
623 	this(ref T tref) pure { m_ref = &tref; }
625 	//void opAssign(T value) { *m_ref = value; }
627 	ref T unsafeGet() pure { return *m_ref; }
629 	static if( is(T == shared) ){
630 		auto lock() pure { return .lock(unsafeGet()); }
631 	} else {
632 		mixin(isolatedAggregateMethodsString!T());
633 		//mixin isolatedAggregateMethods!T;
634 	}
635 }
637 /// private
638 private struct ScopedRefArray(T)
639 {
640 	alias V = typeof(T.init[0]) ;
641 	private T* m_ref;
643 	private @property ref T m_array() pure { return *m_ref; }
644 	private @property ref const(T) m_array() const pure { return *m_ref; }
646 	mixin isolatedArrayMethods!(V, !is(T == const) && !is(T == immutable));
648 	@disable this(this);
650 	this(ref T tref) pure { m_ref = &tref; }
652 	//void opAssign(T value) { *m_ref = value; }
654 	ref T unsafeGet() pure { return *m_ref; }
655 }
657 /// private
658 private struct ScopedRefAssociativeArray(K, V)
659 {
660 	alias K = KeyType!T;
661 	alias V = ValueType!T;
662 	private T* m_ref;
664 	private @property ref T m_array() pure { return *m_ref; }
665 	private @property ref const(T) m_array() const pure { return *m_ref; }
667 	mixin isolatedAssociativeArrayMethods!(K, V);
669 	@disable this(this);
671 	this(ref T tref) pure { m_ref = &tref; }
673 	//void opAssign(T value) { *m_ref = value; }
675 	ref T unsafeGet() pure { return *m_ref; }
677 }
679 /******************************************************************************/
681 /******************************************************************************/
683 /// private
684 /*private mixin template(T) isolatedAggregateMethods
685 {
686 	mixin(isolatedAggregateMethodsString!T());
687 }*/
689 /// private
690 private string isolatedAggregateMethodsString(T)()
691 {
692 	import vibe.internal.traits;
694 	string ret = generateModuleImports!T();
695 	//pragma(msg, "Type '"~T.stringof~"'");
696 	foreach( mname; __traits(allMembers, T) ){
697 		static if (isPublicMember!(T, mname)) {
698 			static if (isRWPlainField!(T, mname)) {
699 				alias mtype = typeof(__traits(getMember, T, mname)) ;
700 				auto mtypename = fullyQualifiedName!mtype;
701 				//pragma(msg, "  field " ~ mname ~ " : " ~ mtype.stringof);
702 				ret ~= "@property ScopedRef!(const("~mtypename~")) "~mname~"() const pure { return ScopedRef!(const("~mtypename~"))(m_ref."~mname~"); }\n";
703 				ret ~= "@property ScopedRef!("~mtypename~") "~mname~"() pure { return ScopedRef!("~mtypename~")(m_ref."~mname~"); }\n";
704 				static if( !is(mtype == const) && !is(mtype == immutable) ){
705 					static if( isWeaklyIsolated!mtype ){
706 						ret ~= "@property void "~mname~"("~mtypename~" value) pure { m_ref."~mname~" = value; }\n";
707 					} else {
708 						ret ~= "@property void "~mname~"(AT)(AT value) pure { static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!AT); m_ref."~mname~" = value.unsafeGet(); }\n";
709 					}
710 				}
711 			} else {
712 				foreach( method; __traits(getOverloads, T, mname) ){
713 					alias ftype = FunctionTypeOf!method;
715 					// only pure functions are allowed (or they could escape references to global variables)
716 					// don't allow non-isolated references to be escaped
717 					if( functionAttributes!ftype & FunctionAttribute.pure_ &&
718 						isWeaklyIsolated!(ReturnType!ftype) )
719 					{
720 						static if( __traits(isStaticFunction, method) ){
721 							//pragma(msg, "  static method " ~ mname ~ " : " ~ ftype.stringof);
722 							ret ~= "static "~fullyQualifiedName!(ReturnType!ftype)~" "~mname~"(";
723 							foreach( i, P; ParameterTypeTuple!ftype ){
724 								if( i > 0 ) ret ~= ", ";
725 								ret ~= fullyQualifiedName!P ~ " p"~i.stringof;
726 							}
727 							ret ~= "){ return "~fullyQualifiedName!T~"."~mname~"(";
728 							foreach( i, P; ParameterTypeTuple!ftype ){
729 								if( i > 0 ) ret ~= ", ";
730 								ret ~= "p"~i.stringof;
731 							}
732 							ret ~= "); }\n";
733 						} else if (mname != "__ctor") {
734 							//pragma(msg, "  normal method " ~ mname ~ " : " ~ ftype.stringof);
735 							if( is(ftype == const) ) ret ~= "const ";
736 							if( is(ftype == shared) ) ret ~= "shared ";
737 							if( is(ftype == immutable) ) ret ~= "immutable ";
738 							if( functionAttributes!ftype & FunctionAttribute.pure_ ) ret ~= "pure ";
739 							if( functionAttributes!ftype & FunctionAttribute.property ) ret ~= "@property ";
740 							ret ~= fullyQualifiedName!(ReturnType!ftype)~" "~mname~"(";
741 							foreach( i, P; ParameterTypeTuple!ftype ){
742 								if( i > 0 ) ret ~= ", ";
743 								ret ~= fullyQualifiedName!P ~ " p"~i.stringof;
744 							}
745 							ret ~= "){ return m_ref."~mname~"(";
746 							foreach( i, P; ParameterTypeTuple!ftype ){
747 								if( i > 0 ) ret ~= ", ";
748 								ret ~= "p"~i.stringof;
749 							}
750 							ret ~= "); }\n";
751 						}
752 					}
753 				}
754 			}
755 		} //else pragma(msg, "  non-public field " ~ mname);
756 	}
757 	return ret;
758 }
761 /// private
762 private mixin template isolatedArrayMethods(T, bool mutableRef = true)
763 {
764 	@property size_t length() const pure { return m_array.length; }
766 	@property bool empty() const pure { return m_array.length == 0; }
768 	static if( mutableRef ){
769 		@property void length(size_t value) pure { m_array.length = value; }
772 		void opOpAssign(string op = "~")(T item) pure
773 		{
774 			static if( isCopyable!T ) m_array ~= item;
775 			else {
776 				m_array.length++;
777 				m_array[$-1] = item;
778 			}
779 		}
781 		void opOpAssign(string op = "~")(IsolatedArray!T array) pure
782 		{
783 			static if( isCopyable!T ) m_array ~= array.m_array;
784 			else {
785 				size_t start = m_array.length;
786 				m_array.length += array.length;
787 				foreach( i, ref itm; array.m_array )
788 					m_array[start+i] = itm;
789 			}
790 		}
791 	}
793 	ScopedRef!(const(T)) opIndex(size_t idx) const pure { return ScopedRef!(const(T))(m_array[idx]); }
794 	ScopedRef!T opIndex(size_t idx) pure { return ScopedRef!T(m_array[idx]); }
796 	static if( !is(T == const) && !is(T == immutable) )
797 		void opIndexAssign(T value, size_t idx) pure { m_array[idx] = value; }
799 	int opApply(int delegate(ref size_t, ref ScopedRef!T) del)
800 	pure {
801 		foreach( idx, ref v; m_array ){
802 			auto noref = ScopedRef!T(v);
803 			if( auto ret = (cast(int delegate(ref size_t, ref ScopedRef!T) pure)del)(idx, noref) )
804 				return ret;
805 		}
806 		return 0;
807 	}
809 	int opApply(int delegate(ref size_t, ref ScopedRef!(const(T))) del)
810 	const pure {
811 		foreach( idx, ref v; m_array ){
812 			auto noref = ScopedRef!(const(T))(v);
813 			if( auto ret = (cast(int delegate(ref size_t, ref ScopedRef!(const(T))) pure)del)(idx, noref) )
814 				return ret;
815 		}
816 		return 0;
817 	}
819 	int opApply(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!T) del)
820 	pure {
821 		foreach( v; m_array ){
822 			auto noref = ScopedRef!T(v);
823 			if( auto ret = (cast(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!T) pure)del)(noref) )
824 				return ret;
825 		}
826 		return 0;
827 	}
829 	int opApply(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!(const(T))) del)
830 	const pure {
831 		foreach( v; m_array ){
832 			auto noref = ScopedRef!(const(T))(v);
833 			if( auto ret = (cast(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!(const(T))) pure)del)(noref) )
834 				return ret;
835 		}
836 		return 0;
837 	}
838 }
841 /// private
842 private mixin template isolatedAssociativeArrayMethods(K, V, bool mutableRef = true)
843 {
844 	@property size_t length() const pure { return m_aa.length; }
845 	@property bool empty() const pure { return m_aa.length == 0; }
847 	static if( !is(V == const) && !is(V == immutable) )
848 		void opIndexAssign(V value, K key) pure { m_aa[key] = value; }
850 	inout(V) opIndex(K key) inout pure { return m_aa[key]; }
852 	int opApply(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!K, ref ScopedRef!V) del)
853 	pure {
854 		foreach( ref k, ref v; m_aa )
855 			if( auto ret = (cast(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!K, ref ScopedRef!V) pure)del)(k, v) )
856 				return ret;
857 		return 0;
858 	}
860 	int opApply(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!V) del)
861 	pure {
862 		foreach( ref v; m_aa )
863 			if( auto ret = (cast(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!V) pure)del)(v) )
864 				return ret;
865 		return 0;
866 	}
868 	int opApply(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!(const(K)), ref ScopedRef!(const(V))) del)
869 	const pure {
870 		foreach( ref k, ref v; m_aa )
871 			if( auto ret = (cast(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!(const(K)), ref ScopedRef!(const(V))) pure)del)(k, v) )
872 				return ret;
873 		return 0;
874 	}
876 	int opApply(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!(const(V))) del)
877 	const pure {
878 		foreach( v; m_aa )
879 			if( auto ret = (cast(int delegate(ref ScopedRef!(const(V))) pure)del)(v) )
880 				return ret;
881 		return 0;
882 	}
883 }
886 /******************************************************************************/
887 /* UTILITY FUNCTIONALITY                                                      */
888 /******************************************************************************/
890 // private
891 private @property string generateModuleImports(T)()
892 {
893 	bool[string] visited;
894 	//pragma(msg, "generateModuleImports "~T.stringof);
895 	return generateModuleImportsImpl!T(visited);
896 }
898 private @property string generateModuleImportsImpl(T, TYPES...)(ref bool[string] visited)
899 {
900 	string ret;
902 	//pragma(msg, T);
903 	//pragma(msg, TYPES);
905 	static if( !haveTypeAlready!(T, TYPES) ){
906 		void addModule(string mod){
907 			if( mod !in visited ){
908 				ret ~= "static import "~mod~";\n";
909 				visited[mod] = true;
910 			}
911 		}
913 		static if( isAggregateType!T && !is(typeof(T.__isWeakIsolatedType)) ){ // hack to avoid a recursive template instantiation when Isolated!T is passed to moduleName
914 			addModule(moduleName!T);
916 			foreach( member; __traits(allMembers, T) ){
917 				//static if( isPublicMember!(T, member) ){
918 					static if( !is(typeof(__traits(getMember, T, member))) ){
919 						// ignore sub types
920 					} else static if( !is(FunctionTypeOf!(__traits(getMember, T, member)) == function) ){
921 						alias mtype = typeof(__traits(getMember, T, member)) ;
922 						ret ~= generateModuleImportsImpl!(mtype, T, TYPES)(visited);
923 					} else static if( is(T == class) || is(T == interface) ){
924 						foreach( overload; MemberFunctionsTuple!(T, member) ){
925 							ret ~= generateModuleImportsImpl!(ReturnType!overload, T, TYPES)(visited);
926 							foreach( P; ParameterTypeTuple!overload )
927 								ret ~= generateModuleImportsImpl!(P, T, TYPES)(visited);
928 						}
929 					} // TODO: handle structs!
930 				//}
931 			}
932 		}
933 		else static if( isPointer!T ) ret ~= generateModuleImportsImpl!(PointerTarget!T, T, TYPES)(visited);
934 		else static if( isArray!T ) ret ~= generateModuleImportsImpl!(typeof(T.init[0]), T, TYPES)(visited);
935 		else static if( isAssociativeArray!T ) ret ~= generateModuleImportsImpl!(KeyType!T, T, TYPES)(visited) ~ generateModuleImportsImpl!(ValueType!T, T, TYPES)(visited);
936 	}
938 	return ret;
939 }
941 template haveTypeAlready(T, TYPES...)
942 {
943 	static if( TYPES.length == 0 ) enum haveTypeAlready = false;
944 	else static if( is(T == TYPES[0]) ) enum haveTypeAlready = true;
945 	else alias haveTypeAlready = haveTypeAlready!(T, TYPES[1 ..$]);
946 }
949 /******************************************************************************/
950 /* Additional traits useful for handling isolated data                        */
951 /******************************************************************************/
953 /**
954 	Determines if the given list of types has any non-immutable aliasing outside of their object tree.
956 	The types in particular may only contain plain data, pointers or arrays to immutable data, or references
957 	encapsulated in stdx.typecons.Isolated.
958 */
959 template isStronglyIsolated(T...)
960 {
961 	static if (T.length == 0) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = true;
962 	else static if (T.length > 1) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = isStronglyIsolated!(T[0 .. $/2]) && isStronglyIsolated!(T[$/2 .. $]);
963 	else {
964 		static if (is(T[0] == immutable)) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = true;
965 		else static if(isInstanceOf!(Rebindable, T[0])) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = isStronglyIsolated!(typeof(T[0].get()));
966 		else static if (is(typeof(T[0].__isIsolatedType))) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = true;
967 		else static if (is(T[0] == class)) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = false;
968 		else static if (is(T[0] == interface)) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = false; // can't know if the implementation is isolated
969 		else static if (is(T[0] == delegate)) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = !!(functionAttributes!(T[0]) & FunctionAttribute.immutable_);
970 		else static if (isDynamicArray!(T[0])) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = is(typeof(T[0].init[0]) == immutable);
971 		else static if (isAssociativeArray!(T[0])) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = false; // TODO: be less strict here
972 		else static if (isSomeFunction!(T[0])) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = true; // functions are immutable
973 		else static if (isPointer!(T[0])) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = is(typeof(*T[0].init) == immutable);
974 		else static if (isAggregateType!(T[0])) enum bool isStronglyIsolated = isStronglyIsolated!(FieldTypeTuple!(T[0]));
975 		else enum bool isStronglyIsolated = true;
976 	}
977 }
980 /**
981 	Determines if the given list of types has any non-immutable and unshared aliasing outside of their object tree.
983 	The types in particular may only contain plain data, pointers or arrays to immutable or shared data, or references
984 	encapsulated in stdx.typecons.Isolated. Values that do not have unshared and unisolated aliasing are safe to be passed
985 	between threads.
986 */
987 template isWeaklyIsolated(T...)
988 {
989 	static if (T.length == 0) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = true;
990 	else static if (T.length > 1) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = isWeaklyIsolated!(T[0 .. $/2]) && isWeaklyIsolated!(T[$/2 .. $]);
991 	else {
992 		static if(is(T[0] == immutable)) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = true;
993 		else static if (is(T[0] == shared)) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = true;
994 		else static if (is(T[0] == Tid)) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = true;
995 		else static if (isInstanceOf!(Rebindable, T[0])) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = isWeaklyIsolated!(typeof(T[0].get()));
996 		else static if (is(T[0] : Throwable)) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = true; // WARNING: this is unsafe, but needed for send/receive!
997 		else static if (is(typeof(T[0].__isIsolatedType))) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = true;
998 		else static if (is(typeof(T[0].__isWeakIsolatedType))) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = true;
999 		else static if (is(T[0] == class)) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = false;
1000 		else static if (is(T[0] == interface)) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = false; // can't know if the implementation is isolated
1001 		else static if (is(T[0] == delegate)) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = !!(functionAttributes!(T[0]) & (FunctionAttribute.shared_|FunctionAttribute.immutable_));
1002 		else static if (isDynamicArray!(T[0])) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = is(typeof(T[0].init[0]) == immutable) || is(typeof(T[0].init[0]) == shared);
1003 		else static if (isAssociativeArray!(T[0])) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = false; // TODO: be less strict here
1004 		else static if (isSomeFunction!(T[0])) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = true; // functions are immutable
1005 		else static if (isPointer!(T[0])) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = is(typeof(*T[0].init) == immutable) || is(typeof(*T[0].init) == shared);
1006 		else static if (isAggregateType!(T[0])) enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = isWeaklyIsolated!(FieldTypeTuple!(T[0]));
1007 		else enum bool isWeaklyIsolated = true;
1008 	}
1009 }
1011 unittest {
1012 	static class A { int x; string y; }
1014 	static struct B {
1015 		string a; // strongly isolated
1016 		Isolated!A b; // strongly isolated
1017 		version(EnablePhobosFails)
1018 		Isolated!(Isolated!A[]) c; // strongly isolated
1019 		version(EnablePhobosFails)
1020 		Isolated!(Isolated!A[string]) c; // AA implementation does not like this
1021 		version(EnablePhobosFails)
1022 		Isolated!(int[string]) d; // strongly isolated
1023 	}
1025 	static struct C {
1026 		string a; // strongly isolated
1027 		shared(A) b; // weakly isolated
1028 		Isolated!A c; // strongly isolated
1029 		shared(A*) d; // weakly isolated
1030 		shared(A[]) e; // weakly isolated
1031 		shared(A[string]) f; // weakly isolated
1032 	}
1034 	static struct D { A a; } // not isolated
1035 	static struct E { void delegate() a; } // not isolated
1036 	static struct ES { void delegate() shared a; } // weakly isolated
1037 	static struct EI { void delegate() immutable a; } // strongly isolated
1038 	static struct F { void function() a; } // strongly isolated (functions are immutable)
1039 	static struct G { void test(); } // strongly isolated
1040 	static struct H { A[] a; } // not isolated
1041 	static interface I {}
1043 	static assert(!isStronglyIsolated!A);
1044 	static assert(isStronglyIsolated!(FieldTypeTuple!A));
1045 	static assert(isStronglyIsolated!B);
1046 	static assert(!isStronglyIsolated!C);
1047 	static assert(!isStronglyIsolated!D);
1048 	static assert(!isStronglyIsolated!E);
1049 	static assert(!isStronglyIsolated!ES);
1050 	static assert(isStronglyIsolated!EI);
1051 	static assert(isStronglyIsolated!F);
1052 	static assert(isStronglyIsolated!G);
1053 	static assert(!isStronglyIsolated!H);
1054 	static assert(!isStronglyIsolated!I);
1056 	static assert(!isWeaklyIsolated!A);
1057 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!(FieldTypeTuple!A));
1058 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!B);
1059 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!C);
1060 	static assert(!isWeaklyIsolated!D);
1061 	static assert(!isWeaklyIsolated!E);
1062 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!ES);
1063 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!EI);
1064 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!F);
1065 	static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!G);
1066 	static assert(!isWeaklyIsolated!H);
1067 	static assert(!isWeaklyIsolated!I);
1068 }
1071 template isCopyable(T)
1072 {
1073 	static if( __traits(compiles, {foreach( t; [T.init]){}}) ) enum isCopyable = true;
1074 	else enum isCopyable = false;
1075 }
1078 /******************************************************************************/
1079 /* Future (promise) suppport                                                  */
1080 /******************************************************************************/
1082 /**
1083 	Represents a values that will be computed asynchronously.
1085 	This type uses $(D alias this) to enable transparent access to the result
1086 	value.
1087 */
1088 struct Future(T) {
1089 	import vibe.internal.freelistref : FreeListRef;
1091 	private {
1092 		alias ResultRef = FreeListRef!(shared(Tuple!(T, string)));
1094 		ResultRef m_result;
1095 		Task m_task;
1096 	}
1098 	/// Checks if the values was fully computed.
1099 	@property bool ready() const @safe { return !m_task.running; }
1101 	/// Return the associated task.
1102 	@property Task task() @safe { return m_task; }
1104 	/** Returns the computed value.
1106 		This function waits for the computation to finish, if necessary, and
1107 		then returns the final value. In case of an uncaught exception
1108 		happening during the computation, the exception will be thrown
1109 		instead.
1110 	*/
1111 	ref T getResult()
1112 	@safe {
1113 		if (!ready) m_task.join();
1114 		assert(ready, "Task still running after join()!?");
1116 		if (m_result.get[1].length)
1117 			throw new Exception(m_result.get[1]);
1119 		// casting away shared is safe, because this is a unique reference
1120 		return *() @trusted { return cast(T*)&m_result.get()[0]; } ();
1121 	}
1123 	alias getResult this;
1125 	private void init()
1126 	@safe {
1127 		m_result = ResultRef();
1128 	}
1129 }
1132 /**
1133 	Starts an asynchronous computation and returns a future for the result value.
1135 	If the supplied callable and arguments are all weakly isolated,
1136 	$(D vibe.core.core.runWorkerTask) will be used to perform the computation in
1137 	a separate worker thread. Otherwise, $(D vibe.core.core.runTask) will be
1138 	used and the result is computed within a separate task within the calling thread.
1140 	Params:
1141 		callable = A callable value, can be either a function, a delegate, or a
1142 			user defined type that defines an $(D opCall).
1143 		args = Arguments to pass to the callable.
1145 	Returns:
1146 		Returns a $(D Future) object that can be used to access the result.
1148 	See_also: $(D isWeaklyIsolated)
1149 */
1150 Future!(ReturnType!CALLABLE) async(CALLABLE, ARGS...)(CALLABLE callable, ARGS args)
1151 	if (is(typeof(callable(args)) == ReturnType!CALLABLE))
1152 {
1153 	import vibe.core.core;
1154 	import vibe.internal.freelistref : FreeListRef;
1155 	import std.functional : toDelegate;
1157 	alias RET = ReturnType!CALLABLE;
1158 	Future!RET ret;
1159 	ret.init();
1160 	static void compute(Future!RET.ResultRef dst, CALLABLE callable, ARGS args) {
1161 		try dst.get[0] = cast(shared(RET))callable(args);
1162 		catch (Exception e) dst.get[1] = e.msg.length ? e.msg : "Asynchronous operation failed";
1163 	}
1164 	static if (isWeaklyIsolated!CALLABLE && isWeaklyIsolated!ARGS) {
1165 		ret.m_task = runWorkerTaskH(&compute, ret.m_result, callable, args);
1166 	} else {
1167 		ret.m_task = runTask(toDelegate(&compute), ret.m_result, callable, args);
1168 	}
1169 	return ret;
1170 }
1172 ///
1173 @safe unittest {
1174 	import vibe.core.core;
1175 	import vibe.core.log;
1177 	void test()
1178 	{
1179 		static if (__VERSION__ >= 2065) {
1180 		auto val = async({
1181 			logInfo("Starting to compute value in worker task.");
1182 			sleep(500.msecs); // simulate some lengthy computation
1183 			logInfo("Finished computing value in worker task.");
1184 			return 32;
1185 		});
1187 		logInfo("Starting computation in main task");
1188 		sleep(200.msecs); // simulate some lengthy computation
1189 		logInfo("Finished computation in main task. Waiting for async value.");
1190 		logInfo("Result: %s", val.getResult());
1191 		}
1192 	}
1193 }
1195 ///
1196 unittest {
1197 	int sum(int a, int b)
1198 	{
1199 		return a + b;
1200 	}
1202 	static int sum2(int a, int b)
1203 	{
1204 		return a + b;
1205 	}
1207 	void test()
1208 	{
1209 		// Using a delegate will use runTask internally
1210 		assert(async(&sum, 2, 3).getResult() == 5);
1212 		// Using a static function will use runTaskWorker internally,
1213 		// if all arguments are weakly isolated
1214 		assert(async(&sum2, 2, 3).getResult() == 5);
1215 	}
1216 }
1218 Future!(ReturnType!CALLABLE) asyncWork(CALLABLE, ARGS...)(CALLABLE callable, ARGS args) @safe
1219 	if (is(typeof(callable(args)) == ReturnType!CALLABLE) &&
1220 		isWeaklyIsolated!CALLABLE && isWeaklyIsolated!ARGS)
1221 {
1222 	import vibe.core.core;
1223 	import vibe.internal.freelistref : FreeListRef;
1224 	import std.functional : toDelegate;
1226 	alias RET = ReturnType!CALLABLE;
1227 	Future!RET ret;
1228 	ret.init();
1229 	static void compute(Future!RET.ResultRef dst, CALLABLE callable, ARGS args) {
1230 		try *cast(RET*)&dst.get[0] = callable(args);
1231 		catch (Exception e) dst.get[1] = e.msg.length ? e.msg : "Asynchronous operation failed";
1232 	}
1233 	ret.m_task = runWorkerTaskH(&compute, ret.m_result, callable, args);
1234 	return ret;
1235 }
1238 /******************************************************************************/
1239 /* std.concurrency compatible interface for message passing                   */
1240 /******************************************************************************/
1242 enum ConcurrencyPrimitive {
1243 	task,       // Task run in the caller's thread (`runTask`)
1244 	workerTask, // Task run in the worker thread pool (`runWorkerTask`)
1245 	thread      // Separate thread
1246 }
1248 /** Sets the concurrency primitive to use for `śtd.concurrency.spawn()`.
1250 	By default, `spawn()` will start a thread for each call, mimicking the
1251 	default behavior of `std.concurrency`.
1252 */
1253 void setConcurrencyPrimitive(ConcurrencyPrimitive primitive)
1254 {
1255 	import core.atomic : atomicStore;
1256 	atomicStore(st_concurrencyPrimitive, primitive);
1257 }
1259 void send(ARGS...)(Task task, ARGS args) { std.concurrency.send(task.tid, args); }
1260 void send(ARGS...)(Tid tid, ARGS args) { std.concurrency.send(tid, args); }
1261 void prioritySend(ARGS...)(Task task, ARGS args) { std.concurrency.prioritySend(task.tid, args); }
1262 void prioritySend(ARGS...)(Tid tid, ARGS args) { std.concurrency.prioritySend(tid, args); }
1265 package final class VibedScheduler : Scheduler {
1266 	import core.sync.mutex;
1267 	import core.stdc.stdlib : abort;
1268 	import vibe.core.core;
1269 	import vibe.core.log : LogLevel, logException;
1270 	import vibe.core.sync;
1272 	override void start(void delegate() op) { op(); }
1273 	override void spawn(void delegate() op) {
1274 		import core.thread : Thread;
1276 		final switch (st_concurrencyPrimitive) with (ConcurrencyPrimitive) {
1277 			case task:
1278 				static void nothrow_wrapper(void delegate() op) {
1279 					try op();
1280 					catch (Exception e) assert(false, e.msg);
1281 				}
1282 				runTask(&nothrow_wrapper, op);
1283 				break;
1284 			case workerTask:
1285 				static void wrapper(shared(void delegate()) op) nothrow {
1286 					try (cast(void delegate())op)();
1287 					catch (Exception e) {
1288 						logException!(LogLevel.fatal)(e, "Uncaught exception in spawn()ed task");
1289 						abort();
1290 					}
1291 				}
1292 				runWorkerTask(&wrapper, cast(shared)op);
1293 				break;
1294 			case thread:
1295 				auto t = new Thread(op);
1296 				t.start();
1297 				break;
1298 		}
1299 	}
1300 	override void yield() {}
1301 	override @property ref ThreadInfo thisInfo() @trusted { return Task.getThis().tidInfo; }
1302 	override TaskCondition newCondition(Mutex m)
1303 	{
1304 		try {
1305 			return new TaskCondition(m);
1306 			} catch(Exception e) { assert(false, e.msg); }
1307 	}
1308 }
1310 private shared ConcurrencyPrimitive st_concurrencyPrimitive = ConcurrencyPrimitive.thread;