- adoptProcessID
Process adoptProcessID(Pid pid)
Process adoptProcessID(int pid)
Register a process with vibe for fibre-aware handling. This process can be
started from anywhere including external libraries or std.process.
- collectOutput
string collectOutput(InputStream stream, size_t nbytes)
- execute
auto execute(string program, string[string] env, Config config, size_t maxOutput, NativePath workDir)
Equivalent to std.process.execute.
- execute
auto execute(string[] args, string[string] env, Config config, size_t maxOutput, NativePath workDir)
- executeShell
auto executeShell(string command, string[string] env, Config config, size_t maxOutput, NativePath workDir, NativePath shellPath)
Equivalent to std.process.execute.
- pipe
Pipe pipe()
Create a pipe, async equivalent of std.process.pipe.
- pipeProcess
ProcessPipes pipeProcess(string[] args, Redirect redirect, string[string] env, Config config, NativePath workDir)
ProcessPipes pipeProcess(string program, Redirect redirect, string[string] env, Config config, NativePath workDir)
- pipeShell
ProcessPipes pipeShell(string command, Redirect redirect, string[string] env, Config config, NativePath workDir, NativePath shellPath)
Equivalent to std.process.pipeProcess.
- spawnProcess
Process spawnProcess(string[] args, string[string] env, Config config, NativePath workDir)
Process spawnProcess(string program, string[string] env, Config config, NativePath workDir)
- spawnShell
Process spawnShell(string command, string[string] env, Config config, NativePath workDir, NativePath shellPath)
Equivalent to std.process.spawnProcess.
Functions and structures for dealing with subprocesses and pipes.
This module is modeled after std.process, but provides a fiber-aware alternative to it. All blocking operations will yield the calling fiber instead of blocking it.