Tests if a given type is supported by readOption.
Checks for unrecognized command line options and display a help screen.
Prints a help screen consisting of all options encountered in getOption calls.
Finds and reads an option from the configuration file or command line.
The same as readOption, but throws an exception if the given option is missing.
This functions allows the usage of a custom command line argument parser with vibe.d.
Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
© 2012-2016 Sönke Ludwig
Parses and allows querying the command line arguments and configuration file.
The optional configuration file (vibe.conf) is a JSON file, containing an object with the keys corresponding to option names, and values corresponding to their values. It is searched for in the local directory, user's home directory, or /etc/vibe/ (POSIX only), whichever is found first.