- createFileDescriptorEvent
FileDescriptorEvent createFileDescriptorEvent(int file_descriptor, FileDescriptorEvent.Trigger event_mask)
Creates an event to wait on an existing file descriptor.
- createLeanTimer
Timer createLeanTimer(CALLABLE callback)
Creates a new timer with a lean callback mechanism.
- createTimer
Timer createTimer(void delegate() nothrow @(safe) callback)
Creates a new timer without arming it.
- disableDefaultSignalHandlers
void disableDefaultSignalHandlers()
Disables the signal handlers usually set up by vibe.d.
- exitEventLoop
void exitEventLoop(bool shutdown_all_threads)
Stops the currently running event loop.
- getgrgid
group* getgrgid(gid_t )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- getgrnam
group* getgrnam(char* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- hibernate
void hibernate(void delegate() @(safe) nothrow on_interrupt)
Suspends the execution of the calling task until switchToTask is called
- lowerPrivileges
void lowerPrivileges(string uname, string gname)
Sets the effective user and group ID to the ones configured for privilege lowering.
- lowerPrivileges
void lowerPrivileges()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- performIdleProcessing
void performIdleProcessing(bool force_process_events)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- processEvents
bool processEvents()
Process all pending events without blocking.
- recycleFiber
void recycleFiber(TaskFiber fiber)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- runApplication
int runApplication(string[]* args_out)
Performs final initialization and runs the event loop.
- runEventLoop
int runEventLoop()
Starts the vibe.d event loop for the calling thread.
- runEventLoopOnce
ExitReason runEventLoopOnce()
Wait once for events and process them.
- runTask
Task runTask(void delegate(ARGS) @(safe) task, ARGS args)
Task runTask(void delegate(ARGS) @(system) task, ARGS args)
Task runTask(CALLABLE task, ARGS args)
Task runTask(TaskSettings settings, void delegate(ARGS) @(safe) task, ARGS args)
Task runTask(TaskSettings settings, void delegate(ARGS) @(system) task, ARGS args)
Task runTask(TaskSettings settings, CALLABLE task, ARGS args)
Runs a new asynchronous task.
- runTaskScoped
auto runTaskScoped(FT callable, ARGS args)
Runs an asyncronous task that is guaranteed to finish before the caller's
scope is left.
- runTask_internal
Task runTask_internal()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- runWorkerTask
void runWorkerTask(FT func, ARGS args)
void runWorkerTask(shared(T) object, ARGS args)
void runWorkerTask(TaskSettings settings, FT func, ARGS args)
void runWorkerTask(TaskSettings settings, shared(T) object, ARGS args)
Runs a new asynchronous task in a worker thread.
- runWorkerTaskDist
void runWorkerTaskDist(FT func, ARGS args)
void runWorkerTaskDist(shared(T) object, ARGS args)
void runWorkerTaskDist(TaskSettings settings, FT func, ARGS args)
void runWorkerTaskDist(TaskSettings settings, shared(T) object, ARGS args)
Runs a new asynchronous task in all worker threads concurrently.
- runWorkerTaskDistH
void runWorkerTaskDistH(HCB on_handle, FT func, ARGS args)
void runWorkerTaskDistH(TaskSettings settings, HCB on_handle, FT func, ARGS args)
Runs a new asynchronous task in all worker threads and returns the handles.
- runWorkerTaskH
Task runWorkerTaskH(FT func, ARGS args)
Task runWorkerTaskH(shared(T) object, ARGS args)
Task runWorkerTaskH(TaskSettings settings, FT func, ARGS args)
Task runWorkerTaskH(TaskSettings settings, shared(T) object, ARGS args)
Runs a new asynchronous task in a worker thread, returning the task handle.
- setIdleHandler
void setIdleHandler(void delegate() @(safe) nothrow del)
void setIdleHandler(bool delegate() @(safe) nothrow del)
Sets a callback that is called whenever no events are left in the event queue.
- setTaskCreationCallback
void setTaskCreationCallback(TaskCreationCallback func)
Sets a callback that is invoked whenever new task is created.
- setTaskEventCallback
void setTaskEventCallback(TaskEventCallback func)
Sets a callback that is invoked whenever a task changes its status.
- setTaskStackSize
void setTaskStackSize(size_t sz)
Sets the stack size to use for tasks.
- setTimer
Timer setTimer(Duration timeout, Timer.Callback callback, bool periodic)
Returns a new armed timer.
- setTimer
Timer setTimer(Duration timeout, void delegate() callback, bool periodic)
Compatibility overload - use a @safe nothrow callback instead.
- setupWorkerThreads
void setupWorkerThreads(uint num)
Sets up num worker threads.
- sleep
void sleep(Duration timeout)
Suspends the execution of the calling task for the specified amount of time.
- switchToTask
void switchToTask(Task t)
void switchToTask(Task t, TaskSwitchPriority priority)
Switches execution to the given task.
- yield
void yield()
Suspends the execution of the calling task to let other tasks and events be
- yieldLock
auto yieldLock()
Returns an object that ensures that no task switches happen during its life time.
This module contains the core functionality of the vibe.d framework.