Running a worker task using a function
static void workerFunc(int param) { logInfo("Param: %s", param); } static void test() { runWorkerTask(&workerFunc, 42); runWorkerTask(&workerFunc, cast(ubyte)42); // implicit conversion #719 runWorkerTaskDist(&workerFunc, 42); runWorkerTaskDist(&workerFunc, cast(ubyte)42); // implicit conversion #719 }
Running a worker task using a class method
static class Test { void workerMethod(int param) shared { logInfo("Param: %s", param); } } static void test() { auto cls = new shared Test; runWorkerTask!(Test.workerMethod)(cls, 42); runWorkerTask!(Test.workerMethod)(cls, cast(ubyte)42); // #719 runWorkerTaskDist!(Test.workerMethod)(cls, 42); runWorkerTaskDist!(Test.workerMethod)(cls, cast(ubyte)42); // #719 }
Running a worker task using a function and communicating with it
static void workerFunc(Task caller) { int counter = 10; while (receiveOnly!string() == "ping" && --counter) { logInfo("pong"); caller.send("pong"); } caller.send("goodbye"); } static void test() { Task callee = runWorkerTaskH(&workerFunc, Task.getThis); do { logInfo("ping"); callee.send("ping"); } while (receiveOnly!string() == "pong"); } static void work719(int) {} static void test719() { runWorkerTaskH(&work719, cast(ubyte)42); }
Running a worker task using a class method and communicating with it
static class Test { void workerMethod(Task caller) shared { int counter = 10; while (receiveOnly!string() == "ping" && --counter) { logInfo("pong"); caller.send("pong"); } caller.send("goodbye"); } } static void test() { auto cls = new shared Test; Task callee = runWorkerTaskH!(Test.workerMethod)(cls, Task.getThis()); do { logInfo("ping"); callee.send("ping"); } while (receiveOnly!string() == "pong"); } static class Class719 { void work(int) shared {} } static void test719() { auto cls = new shared Class719; runWorkerTaskH!(, cast(ubyte)42); }
Runs a new asynchronous task in a worker thread, returning the task handle.
This function will yield and wait for the new task to be created and started in the worker thread, then resume and return it.
Only function pointers with weakly isolated arguments are allowed to be able to guarantee thread-safety.